Friday, April 20, 2012

Pintrest, Evernote, and Live Binders

Pintrest is a website that you can follow different boards of information or topic. Mostly it is filled with useful information on things women are about. Zac Efron, nails, abs, etc. It isn't all that usefull to me, but maby I'll find a use for it. Evernote is useful for making digital post-it notes and lists. I think that it is kinda useless, considering that it could take longer to get on your computer, get on the internet, log in, type out everything for one note, and post it to the internet. It would be quicker for me to just write it out. But I'm kinda old school. I prefer pieces of paper to internet. And I can take it with me. Livebinder is a website that is used to organize papers and post-it notes. It is another way to organize digital papers. Personally. I prefer to go the old-school route and just have a milk crate with files. Unusual fact: Milk crates were designed to have a small plastic lip on the inside of the rim for putting files inside. It is one of the most effective ways of storing files in my opinion. And it just kinda looks cool. All in all, the three websites are good ideas, and usefull to the right people, but not to me.

1 comment:

  1. Pinterst does have tons of women using it, but if you have an account, you choose what to pin. It is a visual way to gather info.
