Monday, March 12, 2012

Flying Robots

Newest Self Sensing Technology

T.E.D. speaker Vijay Kumar, and two of his students have created the newest, and possibly, the most ground breaking discovery of group orientation in technology ever! They have created hundreds of small flying robots, all eight inches in size, and every one of them can work together, without remote control or outside input. Boiled down, you tell this robot(s) what to do, and it figures out how to do it by itself. If you tell them to fly in a figure-eight formation, each robot will fly in co-relation with each other in order to make that formation.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Digital Footprint

Our digital footprint is what we leave behind us in the wake of our life online. Having a facebook, google account, and other social accounts are all parts of your digital footprint. There are a lot of ideas about what to put online and how to make sure it is private. In my personal opinion, i go old-school. If I don't want everybody to know what is going on in my life I don't put it on the web. Privacy online is near impossible to achieve. Just the term WORLD WIDE WEB should give you a clue that information online isn't private. Granted, your information may be private on google or facebook. But those companies still have access to see what you have been up to. And they work with law enforcement quite closely with the purpose of catching people doing illegal activity. Somewhere, somehow, somebody can look at anything you ever put online, and can trace it back to you. In a way, its as George Orwell put it in his book, "1984", big brother is watching you...

Digital Ethics