Thursday, May 10, 2012
Revolution Reaction
After watching that video I am scared. I am scared of Google, Facebook, and the internet in general. Even as I type, there is something recording it, even as you read it, something is recording it as well. I am scared to Google something/anything ever again. This video makes me want to go live on a deserted island and live under a rock without a cellphone, internet, or any electric power at all. I find it completely and utterly devistating to find out that a ginormous server is tracking my every move. Overall, I can find some comfort that I have taken this course, and now know that the danger, and creepiness exists. That alone, gives me enough comfort to survive in this technologically ruled world.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Google Drive
The new program that Google has developed is called Google Drive. It is useful, but there are some problems with it. First, if you upload a document or other item, edit it on your desktop, and upload it again, it will upload the whole document again, taking up twice the space. 2nd, if a file is in Google Drive for more than 30 days, it becomes obsolete, and you can't retrieve it. 3rd deleted files take up memory in the Drive. If you upload a file, than delete it, the memory it took up is not available to be used for something else. 4th, Google Drive uploads a file twice, and it takes twice the storage space. 5th, you cannot upload or sync a file more than 10gb's. This is a real downer. A lot of the information that I use is much more than 10 gb. Anyway, these are the problems with Google Drive.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Operation: Internet Freedom and Revolution
Google, E-bay, Facebook, Amazon, and Wikipedia are all the top websites of the entire World Wide Web. And they are all free. Ever since the opening up of information and sharing of information of the 1960's, there has been a huge internet revolution. The revolution started with the hippie movement in San-Francisco, the idea of the time was that everyone should be free, open and sharing. And, coincidentally, San Fran. was the place where the first civilian computers came together under a server called The Well. The Well was just a server that allowed gigantic chat rooms, all linking the computers and thus the people involved. Soon, once people were designing software and sharing it, everyone was getting the same software, thus similar to the sharing movement of the 60's. But, a man named Bill Gates began to end the era of sharing software. He decided that if you designed something, and someone else wanted to use it that they should pay you for it. Not long after that, a young man in a dorm room restarted that idea about sharing information. He began by sharing music.
Anyway, should the information we have amongst us be so free? Should Google, E-bay, Facebook, Amazon, and Wikipedia regulate their website's usage? I think that if they wanted to make much more money than they are making right now, that yes they should. People will never stop using Google, even if they charge only one cent a month, they would make millions of dollars more than they do already. But, I can say that, if...if... they decide to stop making their websites free, I will boycott using their information services. I do not have to have Google to write a research paper, and I would not give a single cent to any of those websites to use them. I think that those services should remain free and open to the public, and to the world.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Facebook Privacy
Facebook. The number one hacked website in the world. Is what you put on Facebook private? Should it be? how private do you want it to be? I think that the problem isn't with Facebook. I think the problem is with its users. People should learn, the term world-wide-web should be considered. The term implies that the world-wide-web is for connecting all computers together. In my opinion, if you don't want people to know what you put on your Facebook, don't put it on there. It could inflict upon your personal employment in the future. As of now, employers are fully in their rights to make you give them your full Facebook name, and password. They also are allowed to view all personal information that you put online. That being said, I am in favor of either not having a Facebook, or not having anything on there for anyone to see.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Pintrest, Evernote, and Live Binders
Pintrest is a website that you can follow different boards of information or topic. Mostly it is filled with useful information on things women are about. Zac Efron, nails, abs, etc. It isn't all that usefull to me, but maby I'll find a use for it.
Evernote is useful for making digital post-it notes and lists. I think that it is kinda useless, considering that it could take longer to get on your computer, get on the internet, log in, type out everything for one note, and post it to the internet. It would be quicker for me to just write it out. But I'm kinda old school. I prefer pieces of paper to internet. And I can take it with me.
Livebinder is a website that is used to organize papers and post-it notes. It is another way to organize digital papers. Personally. I prefer to go the old-school route and just have a milk crate with files. Unusual fact: Milk crates were designed to have a small plastic lip on the inside of the rim for putting files inside. It is one of the most effective ways of storing files in my opinion. And it just kinda looks cool. All in all, the three websites are good ideas, and usefull to the right people, but not to me.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Newest Self Sensing Technology
T.E.D. speaker Vijay Kumar, and two of his students have created the newest, and possibly, the most ground breaking discovery of group orientation in technology ever! They have created hundreds of small flying robots, all eight inches in size, and every one of them can work together, without remote control or outside input. Boiled down, you tell this robot(s) what to do, and it figures out how to do it by itself. If you tell them to fly in a figure-eight formation, each robot will fly in co-relation with each other in order to make that formation.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Digital Footprint
Our digital footprint is what we leave behind us in the wake of our life online. Having a facebook, google account, and other social accounts are all parts of your digital footprint. There are a lot of ideas about what to put online and how to make sure it is private. In my personal opinion, i go old-school. If I don't want everybody to know what is going on in my life I don't put it on the web. Privacy online is near impossible to achieve. Just the term WORLD WIDE WEB should give you a clue that information online isn't private. Granted, your information may be private on google or facebook. But those companies still have access to see what you have been up to. And they work with law enforcement quite closely with the purpose of catching people doing illegal activity. Somewhere, somehow, somebody can look at anything you ever put online, and can trace it back to you. In a way, its as George Orwell put it in his book, "1984", big brother is watching you...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Internet Footprint
An internet footprint is a trail that you leave on the internet by doing just about anything. And if someone knows how to follow that footprint(s), it will lead back to you, and sometimes, that is too creepy for a normal person. It's a little scary to think that some pasty white, thin, stranger creeper may have the ability to steal your identity, find your kids, wife, husband, family, money, assets, know where you live, know where your family is everyday, and have access to pictures of you, your house, kids, wife, everything...all with the clicks of a mouse. Real creeps are out there, but there are ways to avoid leaving such tracks. By logging out after youre done browsing, deleting cookies, using a usb drive for browsing, browsing on an anonymous server, etc. can help you to not leave tracks.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Pilots Blog
<div class="prezi-player"><style type="text/css" media="screen">.prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }</style><object id="prezi_i9rrk3i26dso" name="prezi_i9rrk3i26dso" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="400"><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="flashvars" value="prezi_id=i9rrk3i26dso&lock_to_path=0&color=ffffff&autoplay=no&autohide_ctrls=0"/><embed id="preziEmbed_i9rrk3i26dso" name="preziEmbed_i9rrk3i26dso" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="550" height="400" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="prezi_id=i9rrk3i26dso&lock_to_path=0&color=ffffff&autoplay=no&autohide_ctrls=0"></embed></object><div class="prezi-player-links"><p><a title="Private Pilot License Requirements" href="">Private Pilot License Requirements</a> on <a href="">Prezi</a></p></div></div>
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Obsolete Devices
Its interesting what is getting more and more obsolete. Like the basic cellphone, dvd player, etc. With all the technology advances that the U.S. has today, almost every piece of technology is obsolete in one year. That's not to say that it isn't still helpful or functional, its just that there is a newer piece of technology out there. For example, take the ipad. It was first released in 2010. And it could only do basic functions, and had a large slew of problems and inconveniences. The newer version that came out in 2011 was better, could run a larger selection of programs, but was still limited on its functions. Its like half a smart-phone, and half a laptop, mixed together. It has its place, but still lacks all the functions of both.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Cell Phone Tracking Technology
Police in Washington D.C. have caught a teenager charged with stealing a girls cellphone in the park. She was walking, and the robber ran up and took it out of her hand and ran away. Police were able to catch the thief in another park several days later in another park miles away. Is tracking technology good or bad? Right now, there is a law in place that all cellular phones that leave the factory have to have a tracking chip inside the phone. The phone doesn't even have to be turned on, it is still able to be tracked. I think that this technology is good and bad. On the good side, it helped the police find the girls phone. On the bad side, i don't like the idea of someone knowing where i am every single second of every day.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Class Reflection
I've been finding so many new ways to find information, its making my head spin. Thankfully, diggo helps me quantify that information. Using the skills I learned in my class will help me in college. The internet is huge, too huge. There is so much information out there that you have to sort through it all to find the piece that you need. The internet is like a set of encyclopedias, the size of the empire state building, all on just one subject. It takes enormous amounts of time to find the exact information you need. I think that with the knowledge I walk out of this class with will equip me to deal with that Mount Everest of information.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Video in class
Is technology good? A controversial topic. Is it as good as they say it is? Or is it damaging our brains. I just watched a video in class about it. They said that the internet has the capability of hurting our brains. In South Korea, they have made addiction to computers, games, and the internet as an official addiction. They even have a camp where they deprive the children of technology in order to help cure them of their addiction. The internet has also made a huge impact on our workforce. There is an entire office complex facility established by IBM, only no one shows up to work. The entire building is a very nice office facility, and probably wouldn't be that bad of a place to work, if people showed up to work. They don't have to show up to work because they do all of their business online. Therefore, no one has to show up at the building to work. They can do it anywhere they have internet access. Also, there are hundreds of people who have quit jobs, dropped out of school, and don't do anything but sit and use the internet. Full grown adults, students, adolences and children have all done this. In South Korea there are PC labs where they have row after row of computers for students to use. And some have even died in such computer labs, after playing for fifty hours during gaming marathons. So, technology, specifically the internet, can be extremely useful, or very deadly. It depends on the user, and how responsible they are.
Friday, January 6, 2012
First blog for class
This is my first blog. We had to make one for class. If you have any ideas for topics you want me to write about, comment below, and Ill try to include it. For now Ill be writing about topics I know about. Mostly about firearms, weapons, and military facts.
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